Spokane Area Burn Ban (6/30/2023)

Burn restrictions have been put in place by Fire Marshals from the Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD), City of Spokane Fire Department (SFD), Spokane County, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights, and City of Deer Park as of June 30th, 2023, at 12:01 am.

Unauthorized open burning and unauthorized recreational fires are restricted until this order is lifted or unless otherwise permitted by law enforcement or authorized agencies. Manufactured portable outdoor devices are allowed and appropriate fuels in appropriate devices are also allowed. Designated campfires in parks and campgrounds may be allowed as approved and determined by agencies with jurisdiction. Confused? Check out this flyer for the quick Do’s and Don’ts of burning.

Spokane Fire Department (SFD) Fire Marshal, Lance Dahl provided some guidelines for a safe fire season below:

Only burn in approved devices.

Have a fire extinguisher and/or a hose accessible.

Be kind to your neighbors and only burn clean dry wood.

Remember to watch for burn restrictions related to our smoke particulate index.

Current restrictions can be found at https://spokanecleanair.org/burning/burn-restrictions/ or the Burn Info Hotline at (509) 477-4710.

Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Goes Into Effect

On June 27, 2023, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act that was signed into law in December 2022 went into effect. Under the law, the PWFA requires “Covered employers” to provide “reasonable accommodations” for the workers limitations during pregnancy unless the accommodation will cause the employer undue hardships. According to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), “Covered employers include private and public sector employers with at least 15 employees, Congress, Federal agencies, employment agencies, and labor organizations.” Some examples of reasonable accommodations that may be explored include:

• Altering scheduled break routines
• Changing of work schedules
• Variances to food and/or drink policies
• Scheduling for medical appointments or childbirth recovery

Click here to review additional information regarding the PWFA and for access to resources such as posters, videos, and training materials.

2023 OSHA 300A Posting and Reporting

Welcome to 2023! It’s time again to prepare, certify and post your OSHA 300A Annual Summary of workplace injuries and illnesses in your workplace? It’s required for all U.S. employers, except those with ten or fewer employees or those whose NAICS code is in the set of low-hazard industries that are exempt from OSHA’s injury and illness recordkeeping requirements. If employers in State Plan states (e.g. Washington) have questions about their obligation to submit injury and illness information, please contact your State Plan office.

Your workplace Annual Summary must be posted from February 1st to April 30th. Electronic reporting is also due by March 2nd for employers with 20 or more employees.

For the PDF versions of the OSHA 300 forms series, click here or for more information on OSHA 300 reporting click here.