Spokane County Burn Ban (effective 7/22/2022)

Fire Marshals from Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD), City of Spokane Fire Department (SFD), Spokane County, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights and City of Deer Park have all enacted the Fire Danger Burn Restriction effective Friday, July 22.

Campfires, backyard fire pits, and burning of fields and yard waste is not allowed.  With high temperatures in the forecast, all Cities and Fire Agencies want to keep area communities safe from fire risk by reducing the number of human-caused wildfires. See  Spokane County’s flyer here.

While the burn restriction is in place, any person found with a recreational fire or conducting open burning who fails to take immediate action to extinguish or otherwise discontinue such burning when ordered or notified to do so shall be charged with a misdemeanor. (IFC 109; SCC 3.02)

DNR Extends Burn Ban to Include Campfires (7/2/2021)

All campfires are prohibited, including campfires in campgrounds, in Spokane County.

Rule burns (burns without a written permit issued by DNR) and permit burns continue to be prohibited by DNR within Spokane County.

“The record-breaking temperatures we saw last weekend have left our state bone dry,” said DNR Commissioner Hilary Franz, “and the risks from fireworks and other holiday activities make the situation even more precarious. I am asking everyone in Washington to do their part to protect our firefighters and our communities this summer. Please do not start a fire outside, and please do not set off your own fireworks this weekend.”

Learn more about DNR burn restrictions.

Outdoor Recreational Fires and Open Burning also continue to be restricted due to the hot, dry conditions and fire danger in Spokane County.

Learn more at SpokaneCleanAir.org/burning/burn-restrictions/.


Spokane Area Burn Ban (effective 6/4/2021)

Fire Marshals from Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD)City of Spokane Fire Department (SFD)Spokane CountyCity of CheneyCity of Airway Heights, and City of Deer Park have all enacted the Fire Danger Burn Restriction.  Due to short-range weather forecast, along with the low amount of rainfall this spring in Spokane County and discussions with our area Fire Chief partners, we feel it is prudent to initiate Burn Restrictions for Spokane County until further notice.

Unauthorized open burning and unauthorized recreational fires are restricted until this order is lifted or unless otherwise permitted by law enforcement or authorized agencies.  Rule burns (burns without a written permit issued by DNR) and permit burns are prohibited by DNR within Spokane County. Campfires are only allowed in approved designated campgrounds.

Breathing smoke affects the respiratory system and is especially harmful to everyone and most especially, younger, and elderly generations, and those with heart and respiratory conditions.  Details, including photos of devices allowed/not allowed can be found here

EPA’s Leadership

On March 11th, Michael S. Regan was sworn in as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency replacing Andrew S. Wheeler.

Prior to his nomination as EPA Administrator, Michael Regan served as the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Associate Vice President of U.S. Climate and Energy, and as Southeast Regional Director of the Environmental Defense Fund, and national program manager responsible for designing strategic solutions with industry and corporate stakeholders with the USEPA.

Other EPA administrative staff include Chief of Staff Dan Utech (1/20/2021) and Special Assistant to the Administrator John Lucey (1/20/2021).  The Deputy Administrator position is still vacant but 1/15/2021 Biden identified Janet McCabe as his nominee.  EPA’s administrative organization chart is available at https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/organization-chart-office-administrator.

OSHA’s Leadership

On April 9th, President Biden announced Doug Parker is his nominee to lead OSHA, replacing Acting Assistant Secretary of OSHA Loren E. Sweatt . From the official announcement (link below)

Doug “previously served in the Obama Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy in the Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration, and was a member of the Biden-Harris transition team focused on worker health and safety issues. He also held positions as a senior policy advisor and special assistant at the Department of Labor. He currently serves as chief of California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)”.

President Biden Announces his Intent to Nominate Key Members for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Labor, Department of Energy, and Department of Transportation | The White House

Other OSHA leaders include Chief of Staff Leah Ford (2/16/2021), Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary James Frederick (1/28/2021), Deputy Assistant Secretary for Pandemic and Emergency Response Joseph Hughes, Jr. (1/28/2021), and Deputy Assistant Secretary Amanda Edens (4/1/2021).  OSHA’s administrative organization chart is available at https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/OSHAorgchart.pdf.

Safety Fest 2021 (Boise) – Chemical PFAS

Beth Hodgson presented today at the Safety Fest of the Great Northwest virtual conference on “Chemical PFAS – Health & Remediation Update”.   Polyfluroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are manmade chemicals with a carbon and fluorine atom backbone that are “forever” chemicals.  Copies of the handouts, EPA December 2021 guidance, and EPA FACT sheet are available here.

Spokane Area Burn Ban effective 7/20/2020

Fire Marshals from Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD), City of Spokane Fire Department (SFD), Spokane County, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights, and City of Deer Park have all enacted the Fire Danger Burn Restriction. With high temperatures in the forecast, all Cities and Fire Agencies want to keep area communities safe from fire risk by reducing the number of human-caused wildfires.  This season in particular with so many of our citizens testing positive for COVID-19, we want to do our part to keep our air quality as smoke free as possible. Breathing smoke affects the respiratory system and is especially harmful to everyone and most especially, younger and elderly generations, and those with heart and respiratory conditions.

Unauthorized open burning and unauthorized recreational fires are restricted until this order is lifted or unless otherwise permitted by law enforcement or authorized agencies.  Details, including photos of devices allowed/not allowed can be found here.

Safety Fest 2020 – Beth & Rory presented

The 2020 Safety Fest: North Idaho was held at the NIC Workforce Training Center in Post Falls, Idaho February 19 – 21, 2020. Spring Environmental’s staff presented 4 seminars during the event. The presentations are available for download via the links provided.  If you have any questions on the presentations, please reach out to Rory and Beth using the contact information included in the presentation or on staff page of this website.

Changes in Washington’s Dangerous Waste Reports

This year you may notice some changes to Ecology’s online reporting tool TurboWaste: Ecology relocated TurboWaste to SAW, added security, and updated its forms to address dangerous waste regulations effective 4/28/2019.  New forms will allow you to report consolidation of SQGs into a company-owned LQG, episodic events, and hazardous secondary material.   Annual Dangerous Reports are due 3/1/2020.  Ecology has a new reporting guide available.  Read more about these changes or contact us.