Spokane: Stage 1 Burn Ban effective 3PM 12/16/2016

A ban on outdoor burning and the use of uncertified stoves, inserts and fireplaces begins at 3 p.m. today (December 16, 2016) in the Spokane County Smoke Control Zone until further notice.

Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency is calling the Stage 1, condition “Yellow” temporary burn ban due to increasing levels of smoke and stagnant weather conditions expected over the next couple of days

Under a Stage 1 “yellow” burn restriction:

  • The use of uncertified wood stoves, fireplaces, inserts and other uncertified wood-burning devices is prohibited
    unless they are a home’s only adequate source of heat.
  • Certified wood stoves, pellet stoves and other certified wood-burning devices are allowed.
  • All outdoor burning is banned in Spokane County.

If you don’t have an adequate source of heat, contact Spokane Clean Air for an exemption. Click here for details.

Managing Seasonal Stress

Along with the holidays can come unwelcome guests — stress and depression. Here are some tips from the Mayo Clinic (plus some) for dealing with the stress so that you can face the upcoming holidays with more “Ho Ho Ho!” than “Oh No!”

Be Realistic

The holidays do not have to be perfect or the same as last year. Families grow and change. Be open to creating new traditions.

Set Aside Differences

Try to accept family and friends as they are, even if they don’t live up to your expectations. Be understanding if others get upset when something goes awry

See Mayo Clinic Tips for Holiday for the remaining 9 tips.

Ecology Offers Grants to Upgrade Oil Spill Response Equipment

In an effort to help emergency responders buy oil spill response equipment, the Washington Department of Ecology is offering $777,000 in grants to public agencies and tribal governments starting Oct. 1. The grant program will help first responders purchase oil spill, hazardous materials response, and firefighting equipment they could not otherwise afford. To apply for a grant, attend a workshop, or learn more about the program, visit the website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/spills/OilMovement/EquipCacheGrant.html.

Ecology’s New Poster Helps Minimize Confusion About Environmental Reporting Requirements


This poster highlights the most common reports required from Ecology, and is illustrated to help businesses understand what to report, why they must report, and when reports are due. You can order free copies from us or you can print your own. If your facility has several reports to submit, this poster is for you!

GHS Final Deadline (June 1, 2016)

The three year implementation period for OSHA’s Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) is coming to an end on June 1, 2016. What does this mean? It means that all employees potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals should be trained under the new GHS standard, old MSDS must be replaced by the new SDS, and new labels should be instituted by manufacturers and distributors. Check out this summary article.

OSHA’s Silica Rule – Status Update

OSHA’s fall 2015 semiannual regulatory agenda projects that the final rule for occupational exposure to crystalline silica, which has been in development for more than 15 years, will be completed in February 2016. The agency’s proposed rule, which was published in September 2013, would set a new permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable crystalline silica of 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air calculated as an eight-hour time-weighted average (TWA), down from about 100 micrograms for general industry and 250 micrograms for construction and shipyards. OSHA received more than 1,700 comments on the proposed rule and heard testimony from more than 200 stakeholders during public hearings on the proposal. The agency is currently reviewing and considering the evidence in the rulemaking record.  See http://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/eAgendaViewRule?pubId=201510&RIN=1218-AB70 for more information.

Holiday Schedule

Spring Environmental will be CLOSED on Friday December 25 for Christmas Day and Friday January 1 for New Year’s Day. December 21 through 24, and December 28 through 31 we will have limited staffing but we will be open our normal business hours of 8 am to 5 pm.