Spring Environmental works with businesses to develop new projects expeditiously and to streamline the environmental, health, and safety compliance requirements.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Washington’s State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) ensure that businesses analyze and identify environmental impacts associated with governmental decisions. These decisions may be related to issuing permits for private projects, constructing public facilities, or adopting regulations, policies, and plans. The SEPA review process helps agency decision-makers, applicants, and the public understand how the entire proposal will affect the environment. SEPA can be used to modify or deny a proposal to avoid, reduce, or compensate for probable impacts. Spring Environmental provides assistance in this process by gathering all of the required information, filling out the SEPA documentation, and responding to regulatory questions or concerns.
Project Examples:
Vaagen Brothers Lumber Company operates a lumber mill in Colville, WA. The facility produces lumber and generates steam using a hog fuel boiler. Spring Environmental prepared a SEPA checklist as part of an application to streamline emission performance testing to demonstrate that there would be no environmental or cultural impacts from the change.
- Lloyd Industries, Inc. manufactures pizza pans from sheet aluminum and plans to install a new anodizing line in addition to the current anodizing line. Spring Environmental prepared the SEPA checklist for this project as part of the air permit application process.
- Part of the application process for construction projects on tribal lands involves preparation of a Historical Property and Endangered Species Assessment. In order to streamline the review process and to consolidate the components, Spring Environmental developed an Environmental Site Assessment form (ESA) which includes the stormwater implications, cultural resources, and potential endangered species habitats/species.
- Pacific Northwest Farmers Cooperative operates a grain loading facility near Rosalia, Washington. The facility is a grain terminal which receives barley and wheat grains via rail truck, and ships grain via shuttle train. Spring Environmental prepared a SEPA checklist as part of an air permit application for the facility to construct grain storage piles onsite.
- Hewes Marine Company has manufactured Hewescraft all-welded, heavy gauge, aluminum boats in Colville since 1948. Spring Environmental prepared a SEPA checklist as part of an air permit application to relocate the facility to a new location.
Spring Environmental develops and presents a wide range of training opportunities to fit our clients’ needs while assuring compliance with state and federal regulations. Based on input and feedback from the client, we are driven to provide an engaging training experience that equips employees with the knowledge they need to be successful in their assigned roles. Research and background information on the company and facility are incorporated into the training plans to provide a tailored course where possible. Classes in Hazardous Waste Management, HAZWOPER, First Responder, and HazMat Transportation are just a few offerings that we can provide. Please contact us for more information on classes and scheduling.
Spring Environmental has worked with multiple clients throughout the Inland Northwest region.
Project Examples:
Johanna Beverage Company manufactures juices, soft drinks, and carbonated water in the Spokane, Washington area. Their production and storage processes, along with new facilities, bring about exposure risks to hazardous materials. The company contacted Spring Environmental to conduct a training needs assessment and develop an initial training plan on a short timeline that would enable the company to have First Responder, Hazardous Material Technician, and Incident Command level personnel on-site prior to taking full ownership of a new system at the facility. We were up to the challenge, providing both classroom and on-site instruction that was tailored to the needs of the company and ensured compliance with federal and state regulatory standards.
- Rathdrum Power Plant in Rathdrum, ID is a leading producer of energy in the Inland Northwest. The plant operations offer unique hazards from mechanical and chemical standpoints. Spring Environmental developed a specific on-site First Responder Operations Level training plan to address the unique hazards that the employees at the power plant may be exposed to. By conducting this training on-site, it enables plant personnel to establish their baseline hazard knowledge, address concerns, and locate the associated hazards at the facility.
- Triumph Composites Systems, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high-quality composite interior components located in Spokane, WA. The manufacturing of these parts produces waste that the company must properly dispose of according to state and federal regulations. Working with company leadership to determine training expectations, Spring Environmental developed and conducted a targeted on-site Dangerous Waste and HazMat DOT curriculum that addressed the specific needs and responsibilities conducted at the facility as well as meeting the requirements outlined in the associated regulations.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) plays a major role in the operations and protection of our dams and rivers throughout the Inland Northwest. Spring Environmental works closely with the USACE to meet their Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) initial and recurring training needs. When they are not able to join us in Spokane, we take the training experience to them, providing on-site instruction that complies with federal and state regulatory standards and addresses the specific challenges and hazards that they face at their location.
See our Air Quality, Water Quality, Waste Management, Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Training Courses web pages for additional aspects of our services as they relate to various projects.