Effective 12/14/2020, OSHA issued a directive updating the 2016 SST inspection plan initiative. The initiative is enforced by all states governed by OSHA and may require updates to state plans to ensure that inspection policies and procedures are as effective as OSHA’s. The SST program targets non-construction businesses with 20 or more employees. By utilizing reported injury and illness information, the program directs enforcement resources to those entities with higher rates to help provide safe and healthy work environments. Per the directive, “OSHA will generate inspection lists of establishments with elevated Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) rates, both for CY 2019, and sites with upward trending rates for the three-year range of CY 2017-2019.” (1) As stated, the initiative now includes a three year data set to highlight trends. OSHA will also include businesses that did not report the required 300A information and a random selection of low-rate businesses to ensure quality control of the program. For all of the updated information, please review the directive utilizing the link below.