The January HAZWOPER Challenge is now closed. Thank you for participating. Please come back February 1st for our next HAZWOPER Challenge!
Category Archives: Announcements
2020 HAZWOPER Challenge Year in Review
What another great year for HAZWOPER training here at Spring Environmental. We were able to overcome the many obstacles presented to us by COVID-19 restrictions to complete annual refresher training for some of the best professionals throughout the Inland Northwest. Sharing many hours of training and experiences both in-person and remotely helped everyone to improve upon their foundational knowledge to address HAZWOPER program standards. The HAZWOPER Challenge has been a supplemental tool to allow professionals to stay engaged and test their knowledge throughout the year. We were able to distribute some sweet gifts to the winners and are looking to continue the excellent program participation in 2021.
To wrap up 2020, we have compiled the whole list of questions along with answers and explanations as another tool for you to utilize in your HAZWOPER toolbox. Be on the lookout January 2nd as we unveil the first challenge for 2021. Looking forward to another great year!
OSHA Updates General Industry Site-Specific Targeting (SST) Inspection Plan
Effective 12/14/2020, OSHA issued a directive updating the 2016 SST inspection plan initiative. The initiative is enforced by all states governed by OSHA and may require updates to state plans to ensure that inspection policies and procedures are as effective as OSHA’s. The SST program targets non-construction businesses with 20 or more employees. By utilizing reported injury and illness information, the program directs enforcement resources to those entities with higher rates to help provide safe and healthy work environments. Per the directive, “OSHA will generate inspection lists of establishments with elevated Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) rates, both for CY 2019, and sites with upward trending rates for the three-year range of CY 2017-2019.” (1) As stated, the initiative now includes a three year data set to highlight trends. OSHA will also include businesses that did not report the required 300A information and a random selection of low-rate businesses to ensure quality control of the program. For all of the updated information, please review the directive utilizing the link below.
OSHA Lists Top Cited Standards During COVID-19
OSHA is increasing efforts to educate and assist employers during the ongoing pandemic. On November 6th, OSHA published a list of the most common citations that have been issued during inspections. Along with the citation information, they also provided applicable resource information that can be used for establishing compliance with the standards.
The violations are listed from most to least cited and fall into 4 general standards. Each standard has additional section information and violations descriptions. The 4 general standards that are cited are Respiratory Protection, Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, Personal Protective Equipment, and the General Duty clause.
To review the list and find more information on the citations, follow the link below.
November HAZWOPER Challenge
Washington Unified Fall Protection WAC 296-880 Takes Effect
As of today, October 1, 2020, the new Washington Unified Fall Protection code took effect. WAC 296-880 rulemaking unifies fall protection requirements for most industries from multiple rules under one code. Included in the new WAC is a quick reference chart that can be accessed with the link below. If your company deals with fall protection, please review the new WAC 296-880 to ensure compliance.
October HAZWOPER Challenge
September HAZWOPER Challenge
Ergonomics and Your Home Office…Is it a Good Fit? by Rory McKinnon, ASP
COVID-19 has changed the way we do business. In this environment, more people are working from home or attending school on-line. Now more than ever, understanding ergonomics is a key to preventing “workplace” injuries. If you’re like me, you didn’t give your home office setup much thought, except to make sure the lighting was good and the view was nice for the office Zoom meetings. The reality is if you don’t properly establish your home work area, it could lead to physical ailments such as back, neck, or wrist pain that can impact you for years to come. Is your area in need of an assessment? Below are some tips to help you setup an ergonomic environment for your home office.
Make sure that you have adequate clearance for your knees, thighs and feet. Adjustable desks are great, but if you can’t adjust them here are a few tricks. If the desk is too low, sturdy boards or blocks under the desk legs can raise it to a comfortable level. If the desk is too high, then raise your chair. If the edges of your desk are hard, consider padding the edge or using a wrist rest. Try not to store anything under your desk as this limits the amount of space for your legs.
You want to choose a chair that supports the curves of your spine. Adjust your chair height so your feet rest flat on the floor or on a footrest if you had to raise your chair to accommodate the height of your desk. If you don’t have a footrest, try using some books or a box to support your feet. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor. Also adjust the armrests so your arms gently rest on them and your shoulders relaxed.
The monitor should be directly in front of you, about an arm’s length away. It should also be directly behind your keyboard if possible. The top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level. You may have to utilize a stand or books to raise your monitor to the correct height. Do you wear bifocals? If so, lower the monitor an additional 1 to 2 inches for more comfortable viewing. If you have a bright light source, you should place your monitor so the light source is to the side and not directly behind.
Keyboard and mouse
Your mouse should be within easy reach and on the same surface as your keyboard. While typing or using your mouse, you should keep your wrists straight. Also try to keep your upper arms close to your body and your hands even with or slightly below your elbow level. Don’t overextend using the mouse, pick it up and bring it back to a neutral position if necessary. You can also try alternating the hand you use to operate the mouse.
Key objects
Bring key objects such as your pens, papers, stapler or telephone close to your body to minimize reaching. You should place your phone on the opposite side of your writing hand. This will allow you to hold the phone and take notes as opposed to cradling the receiver with your neck. You may also consider placing your phone on speaker or using a headset if you are on the phone often.
Don’t forget to move around. It is recommended you leave your workstation once an hour to stretch, get a drink, or just to get moving. Use these tips to keep your body healthy and ready for the next challenge.
If you’re more of a visual learner, check out this short YouTube video: